Juvenile Justice
Reform & Prevention
For over 20 years CPRD has been partnering with state and local juvenile (and criminal) justice agencies through impactful research, data collection/data analysis, evaluations, and the development and maintenance of data systems. These tools provide the juvenile justice agencies information to assist their decision making and to better understand this vulnerable youth population.

Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
The majority of CPRD’s juvenile justice work has been in partnership with the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission.
Some current and past projects with the IJJC include:
- the analysis of statewide juvenile transfer data, a qualitative analysis of Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Illinois Juvenile Justice System;
- development and maintenance of JMIS (an Illinois statewide juvenile detention data system), providing mandated and ad hoc data reporting and analysis using JMIS data;
- and technical assistance to local Juvenile Justice Councils to help them collect and understand their data for informed decision making.

Juvenile Transfer Data Submissions
The Center for Prevention Research & Development (CPRD) is assisting the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission with the implementation of Public Act 99-0258 with the collection and reporting of data on juveniles transferred to adult criminal court.

Greater Illinois Training, Technical Assistance & Support
To address the strong correlation between exposure to violence and detrimental mental and physical health outcomes, the OFVP seeks to fund a variety of trauma informed behavioral health services including mental and behavioral health interventions that address trauma recovery and other mental health improvements, specifically to mediate the high correlation between family adversity, trauma and violence, and subsequent involvement in gun related activity. GI TTAS agencies will provide the training, technical assistance, and support for these efforts.